Open canvas 6 eraser
Open canvas 6 eraser

open canvas 6 eraser

Art with substance and content must come from substance and content.

open canvas 6 eraser

The best ideas and designs are the fruition of an active and engaged mind. One very interesting statement made by Milton was “We should always operate by interruption.” I think the idea that he was trying to convey by this statement is that the creative process should not be a static one, but rather one that is flowing and dynamic. To Milton, art is the act of making things by taking an idea that is conceived in your mind and making it real through whatever medium you are using. Milton has created work that is not only aesthetically fascinating, but also that which is able to oblige the viewer to actively participate in the viewing experience. We know Milton indirectly through his works which are quite familiar to many of us. Milton Glaser is truly an extremely influential artist and designer, who, quite ironically, we know but we don’t. The Parthenon is an iconic piece of ancient Greek architecture therefore, the entire structure should remain in the country in which it was built. It is a part of the entire whole of the Parthenon, and it was indeed an act of vandalism to remove it in such a way as the British did. The piece of the wall was not the rightful possession of the British government at any time. Greece is still demanding for the return of the piece. However, they never offered to return it to Greece, and promptly put it on display in the British Museum where it remains to this day. In 1816, after the act was condemned as vandalism, the British government offered to pay for the section of the wall that they unrightfully took. The British Museum in London acquired a large segment of the Parthenon’s wall in the early 1800’s through the hand of the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. For example, many of the pieces that are in the Louvre were collected through France’s practice of colonialism. Objects which rightfully belonged to specific countries were acquired by other countries, quite often as a consequence of war or colonialism. However, throughout the course of history, this has occurred quite often. In this case, nothing that is to be on display in the Smithsonian was blatantly taken from the country who should in fact own the particular artifacts in question. In this light, I feel that it would be perfectly acceptable for the Smithsonian to continue on with the show they do not seem to be violating any ethical codes as far as I see it. Therefore, Indonesia was not having anything that was rightfully theirs forcefully or unknowingly stripped from their hands. The artifacts to be on display in the Smithsonian were legitimately bought by the Singaporean government from a salvaging company employed by the Indonesian government. It isn’t like the objects were stolen from the Indonesian government and taken into possession by another country. If this is indeed the case, I see no reason why there should be any need to not display the artifacts in the show. However, it is said that the artifacts that are in the show were recovered by the salvaging company, not the looters. There is also concern that displaying these artifacts will convey that treasure hunting is being condoned. There is concern in displaying the artifacts due to the fact that some were improperly excavated, looted, and sold for profit. Some feel that the Smithsonian is violating this ethics statement by displaying these artifacts.

open canvas 6 eraser

sites." So this little statement is where all of the controversy comes into play.

Open canvas 6 eraser code#

The problem, however, is that part of the Smithsonian’s ethics code states that they “shall not knowingly …exhibit artifacts which have been stolen. So what’s the big deal? The issue at hand is that many of the objects which are now on display in Singapore are planned to be brought to exhibition in the Smithsonian in 2012.

Open canvas 6 eraser